Bremen has a very diverse community. Bremen is the federal state with the highest percentage of people with a migration background. The primary objectives of Bremen’s healthcare policy are to facilitate access to healthcare services as needed for those who face barriers (e.g., in terms of language, culture, or physical barriers), promote intercultural awareness within the healthcare system, and combat health-related disadvantages.
Migration is an overarching topic encompassing many specialist departments under the auspice of the Senator for Health, Women, and Consumer Protection, which, alongside an array of projects, is increasingly focused on the provision of healthcare services, promoting health, and prevention.
This is crucial since the concept of migration and health incorporates the idea that a range of conditions and factors influence the health of migrants. In contrast to the host country’s population, migration can result in differences in the health of those with a migration background, their health-related behavior, the utilization of preventive measures, and access to the healthcare system.
For this reason, the Senator for Health, Women, and Consumer Protection has compiled information and points of contact for migration and health in Bremen and links to multi-language health-related information as a guide to Bremen’s healthcare sector and its work in the field of migration and health.